过敏性咽炎以咽痒、咳嗽为主要表现,是耳鼻咽喉科常见病之一,西医治疗可暂时缓解症状,但停药后易复发,长期以往严重影响患者生活质量与心理健康。中医药在“整体观念”、“辨证论治”指导思想下,可针对性制定个体化治疗方案,调和阴阳、扶正祛邪,在防治过敏性咽炎上疗效较好、具有独特优势。兹就目前“过敏性咽炎”的中医病因病机讨论及中医治疗作一综述,以期为临床诊治提供参考。Allergic pharyngitis is mainly characterized by itching and coughing in the throat, and is one of the common diseases in otolaryngology. Western medicine treatment can temporarily relieve symptoms, but it is prone to recurrence after discontinuation, which seriously affects the patient’s quality of life and mental health in the long run. Under the guidance of the “holistic concept” and “syndrome differentiation and treatment”, traditional Chinese medicine can develop personalized treatment plans, regulates yin and yang, strengthens the body and eliminates evil, and has good therapeutic effects and unique advantages in preventing and treating allergic pharyngitis. This article provides a comprehensive review of the traditional Chinese medicine etiology, pathogenesis, and treatment of allergic pharyngitis, aiming to provide reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Advances in Clinical Medicine