肠易激综合征(Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS),属于功能性肠病中的一种,是一组以腹痛、腹胀、排便习惯为主,并伴随大便性状改变的非器质性临床症候群,病程常呈持续或间断发作,目前缺乏明确的生物化学及形态学检测依据。IBS被公认为是一种世界性功能性肠病,随着生活节奏的加快及饮食习惯的改变,其发病率呈逐年上升趋势,据大量流行病学研究显示,南美洲国家总体发病率最高,约为21.0%;其次为非洲国家,约为19.0%;北欧国家相对较低,约12.0%;东南亚国家最低,约为7.0%。不同国家之间发病率相比,法国为3.3%,偏低,而尼日利亚为31.6%,较高,相同国家不同地区IBS发病率亦有不同,美国国内不同地区IBS发病率差别偏大,约为7.0%~16.0%,而澳大利亚约为7.0%~14.0%,新加坡不同地区发病率则偏小,约为5.0%~10.0%。IBS并非危及生命的疾患,但由于目前尚无针对IBS的特效药,并且常常反复发作,最终给患者带来较大的精神及经济负担,从而降低患者生活质量。Irritable bowel syndrome (Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS) is one of functional bowel diseases. It is a group of non-organic clinical symptoms, mainly abdominal pain, abdominal distension, defecation habits, and accompanied by changes in stool traits. The course of the disease is often continuous or intermittent, and there is no clear biochemical and morphological testing basis. IBS is recognized as a worldwide functional bowel disease. With the acceleration of the pace of life and the change of dietary habits, its incidence is increasing year by year. According to a large number of epidemiological studies, South American countries have the highest overall incidence rate at approximately 21.0%;followed by African countries at approximately 19.0%;Nordic countries were relatively low at approximately 12.0%;and Southeast Asian countries at approximately 7.0%. Compared with different countries, the incidence in France is 3.3%, low, but in Nigeria, 31.6%, the incidence of IBS in different countries, different regions, the United States, different parts of the United States, about 7.0%~16.0%, while Australia, about 7.0%~14.0%, Singapore, about 5.0% to 10.0%. IBS is not a life-threatening disease, but because there is no specific drug for IBS, and often recurrent attacks, and eventually bring greater mental and economic burden to patients, thus reducing the quality of life of patients.
Advances in Clinical Medicine