目的:探讨无痛静脉穿刺联合快速过敏皮试仪在儿童门急诊输液室的临床应用及效果观察。方法:选取2023年10月~2024年04月到科室静脉输液的3000例患儿作为研究对象,随机将患儿分为对照组和观察组各1500例。对照组采用传统皮试 + 常规静脉穿刺,实验组采用快速过敏皮试仪 + 无痛静脉穿刺,观察2组患儿的疼痛感及满意度。结果:实施快速过敏皮试仪和无痛静脉穿刺的患儿疼痛感明显降低或消失,患者满意度高,依从性高,具有统计学意义(P Objective: To explore the clinical application and effect observation of painless venipuncture combined with rapid allergy skin tester in the pediatric outpatient infusion room. Method: 3000 pediatric patients who received intravenous infusion in the department from October 2023 to April 2024 were selected as the research subjects. The patients were randomly divided into a control group and an observation group, with 1500 patients in each group. The control group used traditional skin test and conventional venipuncture, while the experimental group used a rapid allergic skin test instrument and painless venipuncture. The pain and satisfaction of the two groups of children were observed. Result: Children who underwent rapid allergy skin testing and painless venipuncture showed a significant reduction or disappearance of pain, high patient satisfaction and compliance, with statistical significance (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The application of painless venipuncture combined with rapid allergy skin test instrument in the pediatric outpatient infusion room is fast, accurate, painless, and safe. It can significantly improve the compliance of children, reduce their pain, enhance the satisfaction of patients and their families, and prevent or reduce the occurrence of nursing complaints and disputes.
Advances in Clinical Medicine