下肢动脉硬化闭塞症(ASO)是我国北方的多发病,前期症状轻微,后期可出现间歇性跛行、静息痛、肢体溃疡、坏疽,该疾病具有发展缓慢、下肢持续性疼痛、高致残率等特点。针灸是临床上非常重要的中医特色治疗方法,在治疗ASO方面具有方便快捷、疗效显著、安全可靠、不良反应少等特点。Arterioscler Osisobliterans of Lower Extremity (ASO) is a frequent disease in northern China, with mild symptoms in the early stage, intermittent claudication, rest pain, limb ulcers, and gangrene in the later stage, and the disease has the characteristics of slow development, persistent pain in the lower limbs, and high disability rate. Acupuncture is a very important TCM characteristic treatment method in clinical practice, which has the characteristics of convenience and speed, remarkable efficacy, safety and reliability, and few adverse reactions in the treatment of ASO.
Advances in Clinical Medicine