在中医“利腰脐”的理论指导下,治疗不孕症以补肾健脾、升提任督、宽舒带脉、畅达气血为主,以助通调腰脐之气,达胎孕之目的。卵巢储备功能下降(diminished ovarian reserve, DOR)是目前临床育龄期女性受孕率下降的重要病因之一,亦是现代生殖医学领域研究不孕的重要课题方向。中医治疗DOR型不孕症方面具有不可忽视优势,滋肾汤是曲秀芬教授自拟方,该方在遣方用药上补疏有节,阴阳互有,在治疗DOR型不孕症上以滋肾汤为基础方加减白术一药,体现了清代医家陈士铎“白术以利腰脐”则胎孕易受之思想,同代医家傅青主在其著作《傅青主女科》中也有体现“利腰脐”以治不孕的观点。本文通过对运用滋肾汤治疗DOR型不孕症所体现的利腰脐与不孕之理论思想进行分析,为临床应用“利腰脐”理论治疗DOR型不孕症提供新思路。Under the guidance of the theory of “unimpeded the waist and umbilical” in traditional Chinese medicine, the treatment of infertility is to tonify the kidney and invigorate the spleen, raise and strengthen the ren and du meridians, relax the liver meridian, and smooth qi and blood, to help adjust the waist and umbilical, and to achieve the purpose of pregnancy. The decline of ovarian reserve function (DOR) is one of the important causes of the decline in pregnancy rate in women in clinical childbearing age, which has become an important topic of infertility research in the field of reproductive medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has an advantage in treating DOR type infertility that cannot be ignored. Nourishing Kidney Soup is a self-formulated formula by Prof. Qu Xiu-Fen, which has a rhythm of tonicity and sparing of medicines, and a reciprocal effect of yin and yang. The treatment of DOR-type infertility with the addition and subtraction of Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae based on the formula of Zi Kidney Soup embodies the thought of Chen Shiduo of the Qing Dynasty that “Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae is beneficial to the waist and umbilicus”, which makes it easy for the fetus to conceive. Fu Qingzhu, a medical practitioner of the same generation, in his book “Fu Qingzhu Woman’s Science”, also embodied the idea of “lumbar umbilical cord” as a cure for infertility. This paper analyzes the theoretical thought of lumbar umbilical and infertility reflected in the treatment of DOR infertility, and provides a new idea for the clinical application of “unobstructed lumbar umbilicus” theory for DOR infertility.
Advances in Clinical Medicine