透天凉手法作为传统针刺复式补泻手法的代表,其临床疗效是明确的。源于《内经》,正式确定见于《金针赋》,曰:“透天凉,治肌热骨蒸,先深后浅,用六阴而三出三入,紧提慢按……”透天凉针法行针时由深至浅,慢按紧提,行六阴之数,三出三入,能让患者得到凉感,用于诊治“肌热骨蒸”。其手法以呼吸、提插、捻转和徐疾等多个单式手法相合而成,通过引阳外出而达到泻热倒阴之效,初学之人难以掌握操作和临床运用,其机理理论探讨有待完善。尽管现代针灸名家都在手法基础上继承和创新,但目前后学之人仍难以领会,现对近些年透天凉针刺手法在临床上的应用研究进行综述,同时指出只有解决诸如认识缺乏系统性、临床操作缺乏规范化等方面的问题,才能进一步提高透天凉手法治疗疾病的临床疗效。The cool-inducing needling technique, as a representative of traditional acupuncture compound tonifying and purging techniques, has a clear clinical efficacy. Originating from the “Neijing” and officially confirmed in the “Jinzhen Fu”, it is said to “cool-inducing needling, treat muscle heat and bone steaming, first deep and then shallow, use six yin and three out and three in, tighten and slowly press...” When using the “cool-inducing needling” acupuncture method, the need is first inserted from deep to shallow, slowly press and tighten, and the number of six yin is applied, three out and three in, which can give patients a cool feeling and is used for the diagnosis and treatment of “muscle heat and bone steaming”. The technique is composed of multiple simple techniques such as breathing, thrusting, twisting, and Xu Ji, which achieve the effect of purging heat and expelling yin by inducing yang. Novice learners find it difficult to master the operation and clinical application, and the theoretical exploration of its mechanism needs to be improved. Although modern acupuncture and moxibustion masters have inherited and innovated on the basis of manipulation, it is still difficult for later scholars to understand it. This article reviews the research on the clinical application of the transdermal cooling acupuncture technique in recent years, and points out that cool-inducing needling technique can be further improved only by solving problems such as lack of systematic understanding and lack of standardization of clinical operation.
Advances in Clinical Medicine