妊娠恶阻是一种常见的孕期并发症,严重影响孕妇的生活质量和胎儿的发育。传统中医药在治疗妊娠恶阻方面积累了丰富的经验,取得了一定的成功,通过整理近年文献,分析并总结出中药内服和中医外治的方法和疗效。Pregnancy obstruction is a common complication of pregnancy, which seriously affects the quality of life of pregnant women and the development of the fetus. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in the treatment of pregnancy obstruction and has achieved certain successes, and through the collation of recent literature, the methods and efficacy of internal and external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine have been analyzed and summarized.
Advances in Clinical Medicine