围绝经期综合征(peripheral menopause syndrome, PMS)祖国医学亦称“妇人脏躁”,多由肝肾阴血、血海不足引起心神失养、夜寐不安、烦躁易怒,田芬兰教授选用天王补心丹加减,结合其“脾胃轴心”思想,调畅中州治疗PMS收效良好。该文介绍田芬兰教授运用天王补心丹加减治疗PMS的思想与经验。Peripheral menopause syndrome (PMS), also known as “Women’s Zang Zao (a type of mental disorder in traditional Chinese medicine)” in traditional Chinese medicine, is mostly caused by deficiency of liver and kidney yin and blood, as well as insufficient blood sea, leading to malnutrition of the spirit, disturbed sleep, irritability, and anger. Professor Fenlan Tian selected the modified Tianwang Buxin Dan, combining it with her “spleen-stomach axis” theory to regulate the middle energizer (spleen and stomach in Chinese medicine), achieving good results in treating PMS. This article introduces Professor Tian Fenlan’s thoughts and experience in using the modified Tianwang Buxin Dan to treat PMS.
Advances in Clinical Medicine