

On the Implications of Marxist Philosophy in Xi Jinping’s Thought of Building a Leading Sports Nation
摘要 “体育强国”战略是中国特色社会主义实践的重要组成部分,是使中华民族伟大复兴中国梦梦想成真的关键一环。而现在我国正处于社会主义现代化强国建设关键阶段,且国际环境动荡摇摆,多元价值观念纷繁复杂,各种价值冲突与社会思潮碰撞激烈。因此,当前应该紧抓“体育强国”战略实践进路这一环节实现中国梦。若想最有效发挥出其重大意义,应该回归理论缘起本身,以马克思主义哲学为基础,透过习近平关于体育强国重大思想的哲学意蕴,寻找体育强国战略背后的哲学理论。本文运用文献资料法、归纳法,以十八大以来习近平总书记关于“体育强国”战略的重大论述进行简要概括,以马克思主义哲学思维进一步探析“体育强国”战略的现实价值,深化体育强国战略对实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的认识。 The strategy for building a leading sports nation is an important part of the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics and a key link to make the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation come true. And now our country is at a critical stage of building a modern and powerful socialist country, and the international environment is turbulent and swaying, multiple values are complex and complex, and various values conflict and social thoughts collide fiercely. Therefore, it is now necessary to grasp the practical approach of the “building a leading sports nation” strategy to realize the Chinese Dream. To make the most of its significance, we should return to the theoretical origin itself, based on Marxist philosophy, through the philosophical connotation of Xi Jinping’s major thoughts on building a leading sports nation, to find the philosophical theory behind the strategy of sports power. This article uses the literature method and induction method to briefly summarize the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the strategy of “building a leading sports nation” since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further analyzes the realistic value of the “building a leading sports nation” strategy with Marxist philosophical thinking, and deepens the understanding of the strategy of building a leading sports nation to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
作者 朱逸渲
出处 《哲学进展》 2021年第4期354-359,共6页 Advances in Philosophy
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