

Reflections on Utilitarianism and Neoliberalism from the Perspective of Marxist Equity
摘要 资本主义的发展催生了功利主义思想的孕育与形成,然而物质生活的极大改善反而导致人的劣根性被放大,功利主义思想主张人的本性是趋利避苦,并且可以将快乐量化。功利主义对公平的判断标准是基于上帝的意志与权威,因此带有形而上学的唯心主义色彩。新自由主义不主张国家和政府对市场的过度干预,它提倡社会主义市场经济,即政府只对经济起调节以及规定市场活动框架条件的作用。新自由主义把功利主义作为批判的对象,以“正义”为核心概念,构建了关于“公平”的理论。在马克思主义的公平观看来,资本主义强调的所谓的平等是以维护资产阶级利益为根本目的的虚假平等。而新自由主义的平等观在打着表面的平等正义的旗号下,掩盖无产阶级与资产阶级在社会政治经济等各领域中真实的不平等。基于马克思主义公平观视域对功利主义、新自由主义进行哲学反思,有利于对当代西方形形色色的各种错误思潮的实质进行科学的研判,并在与错误思潮的斗争中彰显中国特色主流意识形态的魅力。 The development of capitalism gave birth to the conception and formation of utilitarianism. However, the great improvement of material life has led to the magnification of people's inferiority. Utilitarianism advocates that people’s nature is to seek profit and avoid pain, and that happiness can be quantified. The utilitarian criterion of fairness is based on the will and authority of God, so it has the color of metaphysical idealism. Neoliberalism does not advocate excessive intervention by the state and the government in the market. It advocates a socialist market economy, that is, the government only plays a role in regulating the economy and setting the framework conditions for market activities. Neoliberalism takes utilitarianism as the object of criticism, takes “justice” as the core concept, and constructs a theory about “fairness”. In a fair view of Marxism, the so-called equality emphasized by capitalism is a false equality whose fundamental purpose is to safeguard the interests of the bourgeoisie. The neoliberal concept of equality, under the banner of superficial equality and justice, conceals the real inequality between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in various fields such as social, political, and economic fields. A philosophical reflection on utilitarianism and neo-liberalism based on the Marxist view of fairness is conducive to scientific research and judgment on the essence of various wrong thoughts in the contemporary West, and in the struggle against wrong thoughts, it will highlight the mainstream ideology with Chinese characteristics.
作者 黄菲菲
出处 《哲学进展》 2022年第5期1277-1281,共5页 Advances in Philosophy
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