The development of human social history is not achieved overnight, but a long and traceable pro-cess. The development of history is carried out under the perceptual activity of man in real life, and this perceptual activity of material production creates not only man himself, but also creates social forms adapted to a certain material production. It is a definite form of society, which indicates a temporary, historical process, a historical process that is not subject to the will of man. At the same time, the replacement of the old and new societies is also inextricably linked. After the former so-ciety replaced the old society, it had more or less traces of the old society in terms of economy, mo-rality and spirit. These are all inevitable phenomena of historical development, after all, the nas-cent society is not a castle in the air, it comes out of thin air. It is a process of development that fol-lows certain social laws and develops step by step. Then the development process of history inevi-tably has the force of inertia.
Advances in Philosophy