On the basis of the traditional concept of virtue, Kant refutes the traditional concept of virtue and gives a new connotation to the concept of virtue, redefines virtue, and believes that virtue is the moral force of the subject’s own will when following obligations. In Kant’s thought, the core of virtue is the principle of the inner freedom of the actor, and if the actor violates the moral law, then the action is evil, and the actor aims to obey the virtue. The norm of behavior derives from the observance of universal laws, virtue itself is not exactly equivalent to virtue obligations, and the relationship between the two is mainly manifested in the relationship between the other and the self. Kant further establishes the substantive connotation of virtue and moral obligations, and thus provides a new rationale for the study of moral thought, and Kant’s moral thought has important enlightenment for us to understand the concept of virtue in moral philosophy and explore the value of existence.
Advances in Philosophy