According to Kosik, everyday life refers to the alienated way of existence of individuals under the capitalism, i.e., it is an uncritically pseudo-concrete world. Kosik provides a penetrating critique of this pseudo-concrete world from three directions: Heidegger’s care, the dominated relationship between Homo oeconomoicus and the system as well as man’s manipulation of nature;he puts that care creates an inhuman world, in which human’s subjectivity is submerged totally;at the same time, under the domination of the capitalist economic system, subjectivity is further submerged and completely reduced to a mere instrument of the system’s functioning, and the total domination of nature by human beings draws human beings into the abyss of their existence, as it represents the advent of the era of the human being’s lack of dignity. In response to this dilemma, Kosik points out that art based on estrangement principle, the revision of existentialism represented by Heidegger, and revolutionary practice centered on dialectics of concrete are three possible ways, but since the first two emphasize only the ideological level, they will inevitably fail. On the contrary, whereas revolutionary praxis is a contribution not only the destruction of the superficial worship of the pseudo-concrete world but also to bring about change in reality, it can be the only way out of the dilemma.
Advances in Philosophy