

Three Stages in Marx and Engels’ Exploration of the Idea of Crossing the “Caudine Forks”
摘要 1873年世界经济危机爆发,而马克思预言的无产阶级革命未能在英国等主要发达国家如期爆发,这迫使他把革命的希望投向如德国和俄国等资本主义发展较为落后的国家,本文主要以俄国的社会发展道路展开讨论。马克思恩格斯提出跨越“卡夫丁峡谷”设想,一方面是为了回应发达资本主义国家未能爆发无产阶级革命的理论危机,另一方面也是对传统唯物史观理论的一种开放性尝试,将建立在落后的生产力基础之上的俄国农村公社作为过渡到共产主义经济形态的直接条件。马克思同恩格斯对跨越“卡夫丁峡谷”设想的探索大致分为三个阶段,旨在阐明跨越的必要性、跨越的可能性、跨越的条件性。其中考察的切入点与重点在于俄国农村公社与俄国革命,因为俄国农村公社作为俄国社会发展的经济基础,其所固有的二重性中包含着共产主义的萌芽;而俄国革命不仅是俄国社会发展的现实路径,更是对西欧无产阶级革命的一种补充和完善,二者一同构成俄国可能跨越资本主义“卡夫丁峡谷”的前提条件。 The world economic crisis broke out in 1873, and the proletarian revolution predicted by Marx failed to break out in the major developed countries such as Britain, which forced him to put his hope for revolution on the more backward countries of capitalist development such as Germany and Russia, and this paper mainly focuses on the social development path of Russia. Marx and Engels put forward the idea of crossing the “Caudine Forks”, on the one hand, in response to the theoretical crisis of the failure of proletarian revolutions to break out in the developed capitalist countries, and on the other hand, it was also an attempt to open up to the traditional theory of materialist history, taking the Russian rural commune, which was built on the basis of backward productive forces, as the direct condition for the transition to the communist economic form. communist economic form as an immediate condition for the direct transition to a communist economic form. Marx and Engels’ exploration of the idea of crossing the “Caudine Forks” is roughly divided into three stages, aiming at clarifying the necessity of the crossing, the possibility of the crossing, and the conditions of the crossing. The entry point and focus of the investigation were the Russian rural commune and the Russian Revolution, because the Russian rural commune, as the economic foundation of Russian social development, contained the germ of communism in its inherent duality;and the Russian Revolution was not only the actual path of Russian social development, but also a complement and perfection to the proletarian revolution in Western Europe, which together constituted the possibility for Russia to cross the “Caudine Forks” of capitalism. The two together constitute the preconditions for the possibility of Russia’s crossing the “Caudine Forks” of capitalism.
作者 杨丽
出处 《哲学进展》 2023年第8期1669-1675,共7页 Advances in Philosophy
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