The character of Mulan in the Legend of Mulan represents the situation of Chinese women, and Julia Kristeva borrows the term “Mulan-type women” to refer to the situation of women who are forced to hide their true gender and choose to disguise themselves as men in order to enter into a patriarchal society. Under the cover of filial piety and fraternal duty in traditional Chinese culture, the ugliness and oppression behind the Mulan woman has not only failed to receive due attention for a long time, but has also added to the ethical mountain on the body of the woman that has become heavier and heavier, to the extent that she has even paid the price of her life out of the protection of chastity. When the character of Mulan has been filmised in Western culture, it has also been adapted from Western ideology. The important difference from the role of Mulan in China tradition lies in Mulan’s motivation to join the army and the time when her female identity was exposed. Whether the char-acter is passed down in Chinese culture or adapted in a Western context, although there are slight differences, the character of Mulan shares the same female dilemma, that is, under a patriarchal society, the “Mulan-type woman” will be judged by the male standard, and women have to use men as a mirror image, and are emasculated by the patriarchal society. As for the way out for women’s emancipation, although different doctrines have different views, what is common is the strong conviction of insisting on the demand to change the unequal status of women.
Advances in Philosophy