在工场手工业时期,马克思已经关注到了人的肉体和精神在生产过程中如同机器般被压迫而出现异化。随着科学技术的发展,数字技术催生数字劳动新形态,可分为雇佣数字劳动、免费数字劳动和零工数字劳动,在资本逻辑下的数字劳动仍以异化的形式控制着劳动者,造成人沦为数字劳动机器、人的思维进入无抵抗状态以及人自我能力的放弃等问题。解决数字劳动过程中的异化问题,要采取改变数字技术观念、重拾人文精神与关注教育内容等策略,以此对抗资本逻辑与推动人的自由全面发展。During the period of workshop crafts, Marx had already paid attention to the alienation of human flesh and spirit in the process of production by being oppressed like a machine. With the development of science and technology, digital technology has given rise to a new form of digital labour, which can be divided into employed digital labour, free digital labour and odd-job digital labour. Digital labour under the logic of capital still controls the workers in the form of alienation, resulting in the problems of human beings becoming digital labour machines, their thinking entering into a state of non-resistance, and the abandonment of their self-competence. To solve the problem of alienation in the process of digital labour, it is necessary to adopt strategies such as changing the concept of digital technology, regaining humanism and focusing on the content of education, so as to counter the logic of capital and promote the free and comprehensive development of human beings.
Advances in Philosophy