生产理论是马克思剩余价值理论的内核,马克思剩余价值理论的运思开端是资本主义生产方式。通过深入阐释资本家支付工人的工资与工人的劳动力之间的关系,揭示工人必要劳动和剩余劳动的界限,从而揭示资本主义的剥削关系。数字经济时代虽使劳动形式、生产工具和生产组织方式发生巨大变化,但其仍是资本家掩盖了剩余价值与可变资本的关系,使剩余价值取得利润的形态。通过对数字经济时代下剩余价值的创造、分配和占有的新特点加以分析,才能揭示剩余价值规律,可以明确资本主义生产关系的剥削本质。总而言之,数字经济时代下马克思剩余价值理论并未过时,并实现了剩余价值理论的继承与发展。The theory of production is the core of Marx’s theory of surplus value, and the beginning of Marx’s theory of surplus value is the capitalist mode of production. By deeply explaining the relationship between the wages paid by the capitalists and the labor power of the workers, the boundaries between the necessary labor and the surplus labor of the workers are revealed, and the exploitative relations of capitalism are revealed. Although the era of digital economy has brought great changes to the form of labor, the tools of production and the mode of organization of production, it is still a form in which capitalists cover up the relationship between surplus value and variable capital, so that surplus value can obtain profits. Only by analyzing the new characteristics of the creation, distribution and possession of surplus value in the era of digital economy can the law of surplus value be revealed and the exploitative nature of capitalist production relations can be clarified. All in all, Marx’s theory of surplus value is not outdated in the era of digital economy, and the inheritance and development of the theory of surplus value has been realized.
Advances in Philosophy