阿克塞尔•霍耐特致力于在后传统背景下通过建立承认理论来追求美好生活,提出了“为承认而斗争”的口号。他的承认理论既是对黑格尔承认思想的批判性延伸,也受到了米德和哈贝马斯思想观点的启发。霍耐特以黑格尔的伦理结构“家庭、市民社会、国家”展开承认共同体的“承认模式”分析。Axel Honneth is committed to the pursuit of a better life by establishing the theory of recognition in the post-traditional context, and put forward the slogan “the struggle for recognition.” His theory of recognition is not only a critical extension of Hegel’s thought but also inspired by the ideas of Mead and Habermas. Honneth analyzes the recognition model of community based on Hegel’s ethical structure of “family, civil society, and state.”
Advances in Philosophy