认识人,探索人应该如何生活一直是哲学家的追求和使命。在古希腊早期自然哲学走向怀疑困境和智者学派转向人学却只建立起相对主义的刺激下,苏格拉底重拾理性主义,在谈话中揭示真理,引导人认识自我,真正实现人学转向。启蒙运动思想家卢梭在假想的自然状态中探索自然人的本性,在自然–良心的本能中洞见自我,认识并追寻善的秩序,从自在的自由走向自律的自由。虽然二者身处不同社会历史发展阶段,在回归自我的过程中有不同观点,但他们都从外在客体转向内在主体,获得关于自我的智慧,以实践诠释自己对内心信仰的贯彻,展示了真诚的哲学家生活,并倡导所有人过一种符合德性的社会道德生活。Knowing man and exploring how he should live has always been the pursuit and mission of philosophers. Stimulated by the early natural philosophy of Ancient Greece heading towards the dilemma of scepticism and the turn to anthropology by the School of the Wise but only establishing relativism, Socrates regained rationalism, revealed the truth in conversation, guided man to know himself, and truly realised the anthropological turn. Rousseau, the Enlightenment thinker, explored the nature of the natural man in an imaginary state of nature, gained insight into the self in the instincts of nature-conscience, recognised and pursued the order of goodness, and went from the freedom of self-existence to the freedom of self-discipline. Although they were at different stages of social and historical development and had different views on the process of returning to the self, they both shifted from the external object to the internal subject, gained wisdom about the self, interpreted their own implementation of their inner beliefs in practice, demonstrated the life of a sincere philosopher, and advocated that all people should lead a socio-ethical life in line with virtue.
Advances in Philosophy