《德意志意识形态》是唯物史观的奠基之作,马克思基于国民经济学背景下对资本主义私有制进行批判,在此阶段他已经从异化劳动概念中脱离出来,以全新的视角分析现实的社会经济问题。这篇著作在阐述分工思想时借助其与生产力和生产关系、所有制和国家的关系表达了马克思唯物史观立场,并通过论述“消灭分工”的原因和结果指出共产主义的历史必然性。In the “German Ideology”, the founding work of the materialist conception of history, Marx based his critique of capitalist privatization on the background of national economics, at which stage he had already departed from the notion of alienated labor and analyzed the social and economic problems of reality from a completely new perspective. This work expresses Marx’s position on the materialist conception of history through its relation to the productive forces and relations of production, to ownership and the state, and points to the historical necessity of communism by discussing the causes and consequences of the “elimination of the division of labor.”
Advances in Philosophy