The VOF (volume of fluid) method is used to establish a two-dimensional water vapor heat and mass transfer parallel flow and counter flow model. The deviation of calculated film thickness, which is changed with Re values, is greater than the experimental measurement’s value by 3.03% - 6.90%, and the predicted value of the Nusselt theory by 8.33% - 10.34%;it indicates that the model is feasible. The model is used to calculate and analyze liquid water flow distribution, air and water quality and velocity distribution, water vapor quality content distribution in the air, in water and air’s parallel flow and counter flow processes. The results show that: in gas-liquid two- phase counter flow process, the ratio of latent heat transfer rate in total heat transfer rate is above 90% at gas-liquid interface, higher than that of gas-liquid two-phase parallel flow;at air-liquid interface, the main heat transfer is latent heat transfer caused by water’s evaporation and mass transfer, and the supplemented heat transfer is sensible heat transfer caused by temperature difference;counter flow is more conducive to heat transfer than parallel flow.
Advances in Energy and Power Engineering
广东美的制冷设备有限公司院市合作项目(科技创新项目) (2014HK100283)
中国南方智谷引进创新团队(顺府办函[2014]365 号)。