

Study on the Demonstration of Energy Internet in the Park
摘要 为实现园区内冷、热、气电等多种能源的互补,提高能源利用效率,降低能源成本。计划利用互联网手段,开展能源互联网技术应用、商用模式和政策创新试点,本文介绍示范试点规划综合方案,试点内容包括如下:多能协同能源网络的优化建设与协同运行、绿色能源的多样化利用与互联网化交易、电动汽车与储能的互联网化运行、智慧用电及增值服务、需求侧相应及辅助服务等灵活性资源的市场化运营、基于互联网的第三方综合服务、能源大数据应用服务,以及其他具有经济、环境和社会价值的各类场景。利用互联网理念,探索能源互联网与农业、工业、交通、商业、体育、教育等不同行业融合发展的新途径。加强能源互联网基础设施建设,建设能源生产消费的智能化体系、多能协同综合能源网络、与能源系统协同的信息通信基础设施。营造开放共享的能源互联网生态体系,建立新型能源市场交易体系和商业运营平台,发展分布式能源、储能和电动汽车应用、智慧用能和增值服务、绿色能源灵活交易、能源大数据服务应用等新模式和新业态。 To realize the complementation of multiple energy sources such as cold, heat, gas and electricity in the park, improve energy utilization efficiency and reduce energy costs. The Internet technology is used to carry out an innovation pilot of Internet applications, business models and policy. This pa-per introduces the comprehensive plan of demonstration pilot planning. The pilot contents include the following: multiple cooperative energy network construction and optimization, collaborative operation of green energy utilization and diversification of Internet transactions, electric vehicles and energy storage of the Internet operation, wisdom of electricity and value-added services, the demand side and auxiliary services flexibility resources market operation, based on the Internet third party energy services, big data application service, and other economic, environmental and social values of the various scenes. Using the concept of the Internet to explore new ways of integra-tion of the Internet and the development of agriculture, industry, transportation, commerce, sport, education and other industries. We will strengthen the energy infrastructure of the Internet, build an intelligent system for energy production and consumption, a multi energy network, and an in-formation communication infrastructure. Create energy Internet Ecosystem open sharing, the es-tablishment of new energy market trading system and business operation platform, the develop-ment of distributed energy, new energy storage mode and the application of electric vehicles, smart energy and value-added services, green energy trading, flexible energy big data service applications and new formats.
出处 《电力与能源进展》 2020年第6期117-125,共9页 Advances in Energy and Power Engineering
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