现行相关标准对500 kV及以下交流线路与短波收信台的防护间距已有明确规定,特高压交流线路尚无标准可依,其取值问题在工程建设中经常遇到并急需解决。根据特高压交流线路的无线电干扰水平、短波收信台的电磁兼容能力、相关科研成果及工程经验,经计算、分析,提出了750 kV、1000 kV特高压交流线路与短波收信台的防护间距值,为特高压交流线路对短波收信台干扰影响的防护设计及修订相关标准提供了技术支撑。
The current relevant standards have clearly stipulated the protection distance between 500 kV and below AC lines and short-wave receiver. But there is no standard for UHV AC lines, and their prob-lem of protection distance is often encountered in engineering construction and urgently need to be resolved. According to the radio interference level of the UHV AC line, the electromagnetic compati-bility capability of the short-wave receiver station, relevant scientific research achievements and engineering experience, after calculation and analysis, the protection distance between the 750 kV and 1000 kV UHV AC line and the short-wave receiver station was proposed. It has provided tech-nical support for the protection design of UHV AC line interference to short-wave receiver interfer-ence and the revision of relevant standards.
Advances in Energy and Power Engineering