Based on the isotope data of group components of source rock’s physical simulation product, it was found that the δ13Cvalue of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons showed obvious fractionation. Meanwhile, according to the δ13Cvalue of saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons as well as the group composition data of the oil in Junggar Basin, it was also found that the value and data changed visibly with the fractionation effect in evolution process. So, carbon isotope data cannot serve as a main index in oil and source rock correlation for the light oil mainly with light hydrocarbons in the case of not determining the oil’s maturity. As for the light oil in Chepaizi Uplift, its carbon isotope data cannot be as a proof to determine that it was totally or mainly derived from the Jurassic coal-bearing source rocks. On the contrary, the light oil was more likely from the Permian source rocks than from post maturity.