Paleokarst reservoirs of Carboniferous Huanglong Formation are regarded as important reservoirs for natural gas accumulations in eastern Sichuan Basin. Xikou section in the Huayingshan region has been considered as the most typical outcrop section due to the developed karst rock series. It is demonstrated by field observation and indoor thin section analysis that karst rock series are significantly developed, which primarily consist of breccias of net-seam mosaic form, breccia-supported form, and matrix-supported form, corresponding to karst structures with dif-ferent causes. Breccias are commonly dolomitic, and there develop large amounts of solution holes, caves and seams, which are usually filled with sandy and carbonaceous fillings brought by the surface water infiltration as well as cements of atmospheric fresh water. Based on identification of paleokarst symbols such as the karst breccia types in Xikou section combined with comprehensive observation and analysis of numerous drilling cores, this study classifies paleokarst facies into six categories, namely surface residual karst facies, cave collapse and accumulation facies, under-ground river transporting and filling facies, bedrock solution holes and caves facies, and bed rock solution and replacement facies, respectively. They are composed of different types of karst rocks and fillings. Then, three segments could be divided in Xikou section according to the relationships of paleokarst reservoirs, karst cyclicity, and dissolution characteristics, corresponding to the surface, lower and bottom dissolution parts, respectively. Among them, the lower dissolution part is the main part where develop paleokarst reservoirs.
Advances in Geosciences