Based on core, thin section, well logging and seismic data, the Eocene sedimentary model of P oil and gas field in Xihu sag is studied, and the sedimentary evolution sequence of shore deposit-tidal delta-tidal flat is established. The Eocene of P oilfield consists of Baoshi formation and Pinghu Formation. The Baoshi formation is unconformably contacted with the underlying buried hill, and the sedimentary facies are shore sand deposit. The sand body is distributed in a ring belt around the ancient uplift, the sand body at the gully is thick, and the thickness of sand body in ridge or beam is thin. At the same time, the rock composition of Baoshi formation is obviously controlled by the lithology of parent rock. The Pinghu Formation is integrated and deposited on the Baoshi formation. The lower part of Pinghu Formation is delta deposit affected by tide. The sand body is thick and distributed continuously. The Pinghu Formation gradually evolved into tidal flat deposits in the middle and late stages, mainly in narrow channel deposits. The Baoshi formation overlies the basement of buried hill, forming stratigraphic overlap reservoir. The tidal flat narrow channel deposits of Pinghu Formation are mainly controlled by lithology, forming lithologic reservoirs.
Advances in Geosciences