

A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Land Use Structure and Spatial Difference in Jiangxi Province
摘要 在土地资源日益紧缺的背景下,探析土地利用结构变化特征和规律,有利于推动土地资源高效、可持续发展。本文通过多种计量方法和指标分析江西省2009~2018年的土地利用结构变化及特点,揭示其土地利用现状,为促进当地土地利用的合理规划和土地保护政策提供科学依据和决策参考。结果表明:江西省土地开发利用程度以南昌为中心,向四周辐散,赣北地区开发程度较高,赣南地区较低,总体开发不平衡;江西省相比周边省份其土地利用率较低,后备土地资源较为充足;城市建设用地扩张较快,大量占用耕地资源,使耕地面积不断减少,人均耕地占有量较全国水平低;交通建设用地仅占总面积的1%,其土地结构的变化相对滞后;通过两大产业与城市各类用地的相关分析和回归分析发现,第二产业与工业用地和交通建设用地呈显著相关,第三产业与公共设施与公共服务用地和绿地等呈显著相关;2009~2016年土地利用结构信息熵、均衡度和优势度指标结果显示,江西省土地利用结构信息熵不断增加,土地利用结构趋向均衡化,有序度呈下降趋势,各地级市土地利用结构信息熵差异明显,其中熵值最高地区是南昌市为1.532,熵值最低区是赣州市仅为0.985,从整体上看,江西省的土地利用信息熵总体中等偏低,这也反映了江西省处于低水平慢发展的城市化进程中;洛伦兹曲线反映了园地,林地和水域目前是江西省土地利用结构空间差异的主要土地利用类型。 Under the background of land resource shortage day by day, the analysis of land use structure change characteristics and laws is helpful to promote the efficient and sustainable development of land resources. This paper analyzes the changes and characteristics of land use structure in Jiangxi Province from 2009 to 2018 through various measurement methods and indicators, and reveals the present situation of land use in Jiangxi Province, it provides scientific basis and decision-making reference for promoting rational land use planning and land protection policy. The results show that the degree of land development and utilization in Jiangxi Province is centered on Nanchang and diffused around, the degree of development in northern Jiangxi Province is higher, the area in southern Jiangxi Province is lower and the overall development is unbalanced, and the land utilization ratio in Jiangxi Province is lower than that in the surrounding provinces, the reserve land resources are relatively sufficient;urban construction land expands rapidly and takes up a large amount of cultivated land resources, resulting in a continuous reduction in the area of cultivated land and a lower per capita cultivated land occupancy than the national level;the land for Transportation and construction only accounts for 1% of the total area, the change of the land structure is relatively backward, and the correlation analysis and regression analysis between the two industries and various types of land use in the city show that the secondary sector of the economy has a significant correlation with industrial land use and land use for traffic construction, the results of information entropy, balance and dominance index of land use structure from 2009 to 2016 show that the information entropy of land use structure in Jiangxi Province is increasing, the land use structure tends to be balanced and the order degree shows a downward trend. The information entropy of the land use structure is obviously different among the cities, in which the highest entropy value is 1.532 in Nanchang and the lowest entropy value is only 0.985 in Ganzhou, the land use information entropy of Jiangxi Province is on the low side, which reflects the urbani-zation process of Jiangxi Province. The Hendrik Lorentz curve reflects the garden plot, forest Land and water area are the main land-use types of spatial difference of land use structure in Jiangxi Province.
出处 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2021年第11期1442-1456,共15页 Advances in Geosciences
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