公路水毁是较常见的公路运行灾害,为分析当前公路水毁研究领域发展趋势及研究热点,以“公路水毁”为主题词,CNKI收集的2000年~2023年的392条文献记录,由CiteSpace文献分析软件进行可视化分析。研究结果表明:1) 公路水毁研究领域经历了稳定–增长–稳定的发展阶段,公路水毁领域引起学者重视较早,但近20年研究总体处于稳定发展状态。2) 马保成,凌建明、田伟平、赵洪铎、陈洪凯等学者为领域内核心研究者,其发文频次均在5及以上。长安大学特殊地区公路工程教育部重点实验室、重庆交通大学岩土工程研究所和同济大学道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室为领域内核心研究机构,但领域内机构之间相互合作研究较少,没有形成成熟的合作研究网络。3) “公路水毁”、“公路工程”“农村公路”“山区公路”等早期存在,但近几年成为研究热点,相关学者在已有基础上取得了一系列的研究成果。本篇研究成果,可帮助人们进一步梳理公路水毁研究领域近年来的主要研究现状以及发展问题与成果,同时通过回溯最近二十年间的主要研究发展过程,也可供有关研究者对进行该学科的近年重点研究和未来发展预测工作作为借鉴。
Highway flood damage is a common highway operation disaster. To analyze the current development trend and hot research direction in the field of highway flood damage research, takes “Highway flood damage” as the subject word, 392 document data collected by CNKI China Knowledge Network from 2000 to 2023 were visually analyzed by CiteSpace document analysis software. The results show that: 1) The research field of highway water damage has experienced a development stage of steady-growth-stability, and the field of highway water damage has attracted the attention of scholars earlier, but the research has been in a stable development state in the past 20 years. 2) Ma Baocheng, Ling Jianming, Tian Weiping, Zhao Hongduo, Chen Hongkai and other scholars are core researchers in the field, and their publication frequency is 5 or more. The Key Laboratory of Highway Engineering in Special Areas of Chang’an University of the Ministry of Education, the Institute of Geo technical Engineering of Chongqing Jiaotong University and the Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering of the Ministry of Education of Tongji University are the core research institutions in the field, but there are few cooperative researches among institutions in the field, and no mature cooperative research network has been formed. 3) “Highway water damage”, “highway engineering”, “rural road” and “mountain road” existed in the early stage, but in recent years, these three subject words have become research hot spots, and some scholars have achieved a number of results built on the existing research. The results of this study can help people to further sort out the main research status, development problems and achievements in the field of highway flood damage research in recent years. At the same time, by reviewing the main research and development process in the past two decades, it can also be used as a reference for relevant researchers to carry out the key research and future development prediction of this discipline in recent years.
Advances in Geosciences