Analyzing the main controlling factors and distribution patterns of residual oil formation is a key measure to improve the degree of oilfield utilization and recovery, and can provide a basis for adjusting the development plan of the oilfield. Especially in the complex fault block reservoirs in the eastern part of China, these reservoirs have small and fragmented fault blocks, making it difficult to understand the geological characteristics of the reservoir. Long term water injection development has led to unclear understanding of the distribution relationship of remaining oil in the oilfield, making it difficult to tap potential. Based on this, the paper takes the lower sub section of Sha2 in Wen33 fault block of Wennan oilfield in Dongpu depression as the research object, comprehensively utilizes geological, logging, and production performance data of the study area, and on the basis of reservoir numerical simulation, characterizes the distribution pattern of remaining oil and reveals the mechanism of remaining oil enrichment. The results indicate that fault occlusion, microstructure control, litho logical pinching, and well network perfection are the main controlling factors for the formation of remaining oil in such reservoirs. New drilling and lateral drilling measures have been proposed to tap into the potential of different types of remaining oil. The research results provide a basis for the efficient development of oil fields, and also provide a method reference for tapping the remaining oil potential of similar reservoirs.