

Thoughts on the Influence of Deep Learning Technology on Systematic Strategy Early Warning
摘要 当前,以深度学习为代表的大数据时代下的人工智能技术已经具备了影响军事作战的能力。在体系化战略预警过程中,如何利用海量的探测数据来提高预警能力正成为研究的热点。本文从介绍深度学习技术入手,分析了该技术的本质特征,结合体系化战略预警的特点,从装备智能化、情报信息传输与处理智能化等方面提出了深度学习技术对战略预警体系影响的几点思考,为海量预警情报数据的利用提供了思路。 At present, deep learning as the representative of the artificial intelligence technology in the era of big data has the ability to affect the military operations. In the process of systematic strategy early warning, how to use the massive exploration data to improve the early warning ability is becoming the research hotspot. Based on the introduction of deep learning technology, this paper analyzes the essential features of this technology, considers the characteristic of systematic strategy early warning to propose some thoughts on the influence of the deep learning technology on the strategy early warning system from the aspects of equipment intelligence, intelligence information transmission and processing intelligence and provides the idea for the utilization of massive early warning intelligence information.
机构地区 空军预警学院
出处 《人工智能与机器人研究》 2016年第4期73-76,共4页 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Research
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(61503410) 空军预警学院教学改革资助项目(2016-46)。
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