超级电容器是一种潜在的储能装置,同时具备常规电容器高的功率密度与二次电池高的能量密度,可作为动力电池、燃料电池的助推器,为其提供高能量密度。以往的研究主要集中在碳材料、导电聚合物以及过渡金属氧化物/氢氧化物等方面,并且展现出的电化学性能较为可观。以稀土金属作为电极材料的超级电容器因其出色的电化学性能,得到了越来越多的重视。本文综述了稀土离子、稀土金属氧化物/氢氧化物、稀土硫族化物、稀土金属/金属氧化物复合材料在超级电容器中的应用。Supercapacitors are a potential energy storage device that combines the high power density of conventional capacitor with the high energy density of secondary batteries. They can serve as boosters for power and fuel cells due to high energy density. Previous research has mainly focused on carbon materials, conductive polymers, and transition metal oxides/hydroxides due to considerable electrochemical performance. Rare earth metals as electrode materials of supercapacitors have received increasing attention due to their excellent electrochemical performance. This article reviews the applications of rare earth ions, rare earth metal oxides/hydroxides, rare earth chalcogenides, and rare earth metal/metal oxide composite materials for supercapacitors.
Advances in Material Chemistry