根据头足类对光反应的最低背景照度0.01 lx,使用叠加法海面照度计算方法,对大型鱿钓渔船不产生灯光干扰的合适照度间距进行分析,建立使用LED集鱼灯的鱿钓渔船抛锚位置与相邻渔船的合适作业间距计算公式:,根据该公式,2艘鱿钓渔船各自一侧装备LED集鱼灯总功率均为24 kW时的合适作业间距为0.78 nm;一艘装备LED集鱼灯的鱿钓渔船与一艘装备金卤灯的鱿钓渔船的合适作业间距公式:,当鱿钓渔船一侧的LED集鱼灯功率为24 kW,另一艘鱿钓渔船金卤灯总功率为400 kW时,两船的合适作业间距为1.03 nm。
According to the lowest background illumination for some cephalopod species (0.01 lx), using ad-ditive algorithmic procedure of illumination of sea surface, the available illuminating distance between two squid jigging vessels with LED fishing lamps was analyzed. And the formula of the available operation distance from the anchoring position to the near vessel can be described as . With the formula, when two squid jigging vessels each assemble LED fishing lamps with a total power of 24 kW on one ship side, the available operation distance is 0.78 nautical mile. The formula of the appropriate operation distance between a squid jigging vessel assembling LED fishing lamps and the one with metal halide fishing lamps can be described as . With the formula, when the power of the LED fishing lamps on one ship side of a squid jigging vessel is 24 kW, and that of the metal halide fishing lamps of another squid jigging vessel is 400 kW, the available operation distance is 1.03 nautical mile.
Advances in Marine Sciences