

Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation of Oil Refinery Sewage Outlet and Its Adjacent Waters in Qinzhou Harbor
摘要 于2011~2013年对钦州港炼油厂排污口及其邻近海域水质状况进行监测,通过分析水体中pH值、无机氮(DIN)、化学需氧量(COD)、悬浮物(SS)、石油类等指标,研究该水域各水质指标的动态变化及趋势,并采用单因子评价法对其结果进行水质分析和评价。结果表明:2011~2013年钦州港炼油厂排污口水质状况较好,其中pH值、悬浮物未出现超标现象;DIN、COD和石油类含量在个别月份异常增大,出现超标现象,可能与炼油厂存在安全环保设施遗漏有关。2011~2013年钦州港炼油厂排污口邻近海域水质优于该海洋功能区化水质要求,排污口个别月份较高的DIN、COD和石油类含量对临近海域水质状况影响不大,这主要与排污口排水量较小,海水通过自身的自净能力已经对其稀释和分散有关,另外雨季沿岸雨水冲刷造成陆地污染物进入水体对该海域的水质有一定的影响。2011~2013年排污口邻近海域的主要污染物DIN、COD和石油类含量呈增长趋势,这可能与近年来钦州港临海工业的发展以及陆源污染物通过入海径流输入增加有关,因此需要密切关注该海域DIN、COD和石油类含量状况,做好相关的海洋监测和水质分析评价工作,确保该海域的海洋生态健康。 From 2011 to 2013, the water quality of the oil refinery sewage outlet and its adjacent waters in Qinzhou harbor was monitored. The pH, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), chemical oxygen de-mand (COD), suspended solids (SS) and petroleum were analyzed in order to research the dynamic changes and trends of the water quality. Meanwhile, the single-factor evaluation index method was used to analyze and evaluate the water quality. The results showed that from 2011 to 2013, the water quality of the oil refinery sewage outlet in Qinzhou harbor was generally well, and the pH value and suspended solids did not exceed the standard. DIN, COD and petroleum content were abnormal increased in the individual months and exceed the standard, which may be related to the missing of safety and environmental protection facilities in the oil refinery. From 2011 to 2013, the water quality in the adjacent waters of Qinzhou harbor oil refinery sewage outlet was better than the water quality requirement of the marine functional area and the higher DIN, COD and pe-troleum contents of the sewage outlet had little effect on the water quality of the adjacent waters, which was mainly related to the small water discharge and the contents was diluted and dispersed through the sea self purification capacity, in addition, the water pollution caused by rainfall in the rainy season has a certain influence on the water quality of the sea area. From 2011~2013, the main pollutants include DIN, COD and petroleum in the adjacent waters of the sewage outlet showed a growing trend, which may be related to the recent development of the coastal industry in Qinzhou harbor and the increase of the input of the terrestrial pollutants through the run-off. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the DIN, COD and petroleum content status in this sea area and do the relevant marine monitoring and water quality analysis and evaluation work to ensure that the marine ecological health of the sea.
出处 《海洋科学前沿》 2017年第2期43-54,共12页 Advances in Marine Sciences
基金 广西自然科学基金青年基金项目(2016GXNSFRA380108) 广西高校科学技术研究项目(KY2015YB315) 钦州学院校级重点项目(2014XJKY-01A) 广西北部湾海洋生物多样性养护重点实验室探索项目(2015ZB08) 广西北部湾海岸科学与工程实验室自主项目(2016ZYB12) 广西“海洋生态环境”院士工作站。
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