In order to better understand the communitycharacteristics of plankton species, abundance and biomass in sturgeonintensive culture water, five sampling sites were set up in the sturgeonbreeding farm in Beijing in the autumn of 2021 to collect and analyze planktonsamples. Margalef species richness index (D),Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Pielou evenness index were used to evaluatewater quality. Through investigation and analysis, 16 species of phytoplanktonin 2 phyla and 11 species of zooplankton in 3 categories were collected in theintake, 61 species of phytoplankton in 5 phyla and 39 species of zooplankton in2 categories were collected in the aquaculture pond. By indicating the functionof planktonic animals and plants and the use of biological diversity index ofwater quality assessment, it is concluded that the water quality is inclean-corrupt state, and single factor in physical and chemical indicatorssuggests farmed fish pond water quality whole V class, ecosystem health also needs to evaluate the water quality inwater physical and chemical factors of combination, system of evaluation on theplankton indicator species, and so on. This survey accumulated background datafor the research of aquatic organisms in sturgeon intensive culture water.
Advances in Marine Sciences