本研究以272名大学生为被试,采用青少年时间管理倾向量表和学习动机量表对大学生时间管理倾向与学习动机之间的关系进行调查探究。研究结果表明:1) 女生的外生动机水平显著高于男生;2) 时间管理倾向高分组的学习动机水平显著高于时间管理倾向低分组,说明时间管理倾向水平较高的大学生有较强的学习动机;3) 时间管理倾向与学习动机之间呈显著正相关,时间管理倾向的三个维度对学习动机有一定的解释和预测能力。
The research uses a sample of 272 university students to explore relations between university stu- dents’ time management disposition and leaning motivation with Adolescence Time Management Disposition Scale and the revised Working Preference Inventory scale. There are some conclusions: 1) The level of in- trinsic motivation of females was higher than that of males;2) The students who get higher capability of time management have higher levels of learning motivation;3) There were significant relations between university students’ time management disposition and learning motivation, and three senses of time management can partly explain and predict the changes of leaning motivation.
Advances in Psychology