

The Influence of Mate-Rejection on Self-Perceived Mate Value: Testing the Mating Sociometer
摘要 采用回忆范式考察来自异性的拒绝对个体的积极/消极情感、自尊、择偶价值感及择偶标准的影响。实验结果发现:1) 来自异性的拒绝对个体的积极/消极情感产生了影响,自尊在两者之间起了完全的中介作用;2) 异性拒绝通过自尊对择偶价值感产生影响,而择偶价值感在自尊与择偶标准之间起中介作用,由此构建成了一个过程模型。本研究支持和扩展了Kirkpatrick和Ellis(2001)所提出的特定领域社会计量器——择偶计量器的构想:自尊作为一种内在机制,调节着异性拒绝后个体的择偶价值感,并间接影响择偶标准。 The present study which using recall paradigm aimed to investigate the effect of mate-rejection on positive affect and negative affect, self-esteem, self-perceived mate value, mate standard. The result showed: 1)  Mate-rejection makes an impact on positive affect and negative affect, while self-esteem plays fully the mediating role among them;2) Self-esteem fully mediated the impact of mate-rejection on self-perceived mate value, and self-perceived mate value fully mediated the impact of self-esteem on mate standard, thus a process model was built. This research supports and expands a conceptualization of the domain-specific sociometer, which is derived from Kirkpatrick and Ellis (2001): self-esteem as a mechanism functions to calibrate self-perceived mate value in response to experiences of mate-rejection, and makes an indirect effect on mate standard.
作者 阮鲁君 张林
出处 《心理学进展》 2012年第5期243-249,共7页 Advances in Psychology
基金 全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部青年专项课题(EBA090439)。
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