职业倦怠与大五人格特征,以及职业倦怠与工作负荷及工作资源等工作特性关系,在美国和北欧已有较为系统的研究。和以往的研究不同,我们首次引入工作心理成熟度,考察职业倦怠与工作心理成熟度、责任心、工作自主性间的关系。被试为中国软件企业311名员工。用问卷法测量被试的责任心、工作自主性、职业倦怠以及工作心理成熟度,运用分层回归分析其间的关系。研究发现:1)职业倦怠与工作自主性呈显著负相关,工作自主性越高,职业倦怠越小;2) 工作心理成熟度可以正向调节工作自主性与职业倦怠的关系;当工作心理成熟度高时,随工作自主性的提高,职业倦怠下降趋势较为显著。当工作心理成熟度低时,随工作自主性的提高,职业倦怠变化不显著;3) 职业倦怠与责任心呈负相关关系,员工责任心越高,职业倦怠越小;4) 工作心理成熟度可以正向调节责任心与职业倦怠的关系;当工作心理成熟度高时,随责任心的提高,职业倦怠下降趋势较为显著。当工作心理成熟度低时,随责任心的提高,职业倦怠变化不显著。本研究试图揭示职业倦怠产生的新的原因及减小职业倦怠的有效方法,从而为中国高科技企业尤其是以高科技人才为核心竞争力的企业的发展提供有益的理论指导。
In present research, we have first introduced psychological work maturity into the study on the relationship among burnout, conscientiousness, and autonomy. We conducted paper-pencil measurement on MBI-GS, conscientiousness of Big Five personality traits, autonomy of work characteristics, and work psychological maturity with 311 software engineers and managers in two Chinese software companies. Using structural model and statistics analysis, we have the following findings: 1) Burnout is negatively related to autonomy;the higher the autonomy, the lower the burnout;2) Psychological work maturity plays a mediating role in the relationship between burnout and autonomy, such that for those high in psychological work maturity, burnout is negatively correlated with autonomy, however, for those low in psychological work maturity, the relationship between burnout and autonomy is not significant;3) Burnout is negatively related to conscientiousness;the higher the conscientiousness, the lower the burnout;and 4) Psychological work maturity plays a mediating role in the relationship between burnout and conscientiousness, such that for those high in psychological work maturity, burnout is negatively related to conscientiousness, whereas for those low in psychological work maturity, the relation between burnout and conscientiousness is not significant. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Advances in Psychology