冲动性作为一种突出的人格特质,影响着人类的思维与行为控制,冲动性人格也从不同程度影响着自杀的发生。目的:调查重庆市高中生自杀意念和自杀未遂概况,探讨冲动性人格特质与自杀意念强弱和自杀未遂的关系。方法:采取整群抽样调查法,抽取重庆市11所中学共计12,024名学生,应用中文版Barratt冲动性量表,自杀意念调查表,自杀未遂调查表对被试样本进行调查研究。结果:1) 重庆市高中生自杀意念得分5.80 ±2.41;2) 重庆市高中生自杀未遂发生检出率为2.6%;3) 冲动性人格特质是自杀意念的重要影响因素;4) 冲动性人格特质是自杀未遂的预测因子。结论:冲动性人格特质能从不同程度预测自杀意念的强弱和自杀未遂的发生。
As a prominentpersonality, impulsivity affects the human mind and behavior controlling, andit also affects the occurrence of suicide. Objective: To survey overview ofsuicidal ideation and attempted suicide of high school students in Chongqing, andto discuss the relationship between impulsive personality traits and suicidalideation, attempted suicide. Methods: The number of the total sample is 12,024,which is from 11 high schools of Chongqing. We use the Chinese version ofBarratt Impulsivity Scale, the suicidal ideation scale, and the attemptedsuicide scale to survey the students. Result: 1) The suicidal ideation score ofhigh school students in Chongqing is 5.80 ±2.41;2) Detection rate of attemptedsuicide occurred by 2.6%;3) The impulsive personality traits are the importantfactor to suicidal ideation;4) Impulsive personality traits are predictors of attemptedsuicide. Conclusions: The impulsive personality traits can forecast thestrength of suicidal ideation and the attempted suicide from different degrees.
Advances in Psychology