采用点探测和情绪Stroop两个实验任务,考察内隐权力动机对情绪面孔注意偏向的影响。结果表明:1) 在点探测任务中,高内隐权力动机个体对惊奇面孔存在注意偏向,但在高兴和愤怒面孔条件下,高低权力者之间没有显著差异;2) 在情绪Stroop任务中,高内隐权力动机个体对惊奇和愤怒面孔表现出注意偏向,但对高兴面孔高低权力者之间没有显著差异;3) 点探测和情绪Stroop任务的注意偏向分数,在愤怒面孔条件下有显著负相关,在高兴和惊奇面孔条件下没有显著相关。结果证明了支配和顺从的面部表情是内隐权力动机的一种突显的诱因线索,它们与内隐权力动机相互作用塑造了个体的注意定向。
The present studyinvestigated the influence of implicit power motive on attentional bias forfacial expressions by using the dot probe and emotional Stroop task. Theresults showed that: 1) there was no evidence to suggest differentialprocessing of angry and happy faces by high- and low- power motive individualson the dot probe task;power-motivated participants, however, showed anattentional bias for surprised faces;2) in the emotional Stroop task, incontrast to the low-pow- er subjects, the high-power subjects showed aprocessing bias for angry and surprised faces, but not for happy faces;3) the indexesof attentional bias in the dot probe and emotional Stroop task showed a negativerelationship for angry faces, and no relationship for happy and surprised faces.Taken together, the present study validated that facial expressions of emotionare salient incentive cues for implicit power motive, and they interact withimplicit power motive to shape attentional orienting.
Advances in Psychology