为探求视听通道的阈下说服对消费行为的影响,本研究采用2 ×2被试间设计对68名大学生进行了实验研究。结果表明:1) 在对品牌态度的影响上,听觉刺激对耐克品牌鞋子质量的评价的主效应显著(F = 6.739, p = 0.012),无听觉刺激的被试对耐克品牌鞋子质量的评价高于有听觉刺激的被试;视觉刺激与听觉刺激对被试最喜欢的运动品牌这一因变量的交互作用显著(F = 6.283, p = 0.016),进一步单纯主效应分析发现,在没有视觉刺激的条件下,有听觉刺激的被试最喜欢的运动品牌是耐克的比率低于无听觉刺激的被试;2) 在对消费需求的影响上,视觉刺激与听觉刺激对“我希望自己有更多鞋子”这一因变量的交互作用显著(F = 4.672, p = 0.034),进一步单纯主效应分析发现,在没有听觉刺激的条件下,有视觉刺激的被试希望自己有更多鞋子的意愿高于无视觉刺激的被试。我们由此得出:视听阈下说服对品牌态度和消费需求产生了影响。
The present study tried to explore the influence of visual-auditory subliminal persuasion on con-sumer behavior. A 2 ×2 between-subjects experiment with 68 participants was conducted. Results: 1) In the influence on brand attitude, main effect of auditory stimuli on “I believe Nike shoes are of good quality” was significant (F = 6.739, p = 0.012);interaction effect of visual and auditory stimuli on variable “my favorite sports brand” was also significant (F = 6.283, p = 0.016);2) In the influence on consumer demand, interaction effect of visual and auditory stimuli on “I hope to have more shoes” was significant (F = 4.672, p = 0.034). Thus, we concluded that visual-auditory subliminal persuasion has an impact on brand attitude and consumer demand.
Advances in Psychology