

A Review of Theory of Mind in Bipolar Disorders
摘要 双相障碍心理理论研究自21世纪初开始受到关注。多数研究者认为患者在躁狂发作,抑郁发作及缓解期均存在心理理论受损。但也有少数研究者发现患者在缓解期并不存在心理理论受损。大部分研究表明心理理论受损与大多数临床变量无关。而关于神经认知及社会功能与心理理论的关系,研究者们各执一词。近来,研究者拓宽了双相障碍心理理论研究领域,有研究其神经生理基础,一级亲属的心理理论,与人格特质的关系。但是这些方面的研究仍比较少。未来研究应扩大样本量,结合仪器研究全面的心理理论,全面控制可能的混淆因素,采用纵向研究,将一级亲属纳入研究,以便得到双相障碍的标记。 The study on the theory of mind (ToM) in Bipolar Disorder has garnered increasing attention at the beginning of twenty-first Century. Most showed that de?cits in theory of mind were found in manic, depressed, and euthymic bipolar subjects. But there are also a few researchers found intact ToM in euthymic subjects. Most researchers reported that no signi?cant associations were found between ToM and most of clinical variables. As for the relationship between neurocognitive and social function and ToM, researchers stick to their argument. Recently, researchers have expanded the field of ToM of bipolar disorder, including physiological basis;ability of ToM of the first degree relatives and the relationship between ToM with the personality traits. But the existing researches are still relatively small. Future research should expand the sample size and be combined with instruments to study the comprehensive theory of mind. It is necessary to adopt longitudinal study, control all potential confounding factors and bring first-degree relatives into study.
出处 《心理学进展》 2015年第10期537-543,共7页 Advances in Psychology
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