
心理学与非心理学专业大学生疼痛共情能力的差异性研究 被引量:1

Pain Empathy Differences between College Students Major in Psychology and Others
摘要 疼痛共情是指个体对他人疼痛的感知、判断和情绪反应,是当下对痛觉研究的最热门的视角。现存的研究主要涵盖对疼痛共情的神经机制、认知机制、测量手段和影响因素四个方面的研究。对于心理学专业的本科生来说,疼痛共情能力是其应当具备的基本能力之一。本研究使用《人际反应指针量表》对不同专业的全日制在校本科大四学生的疼痛共情能力进行测量,通过SPSS分析测量数据发现,心理学专业的学生比非心理学专业的学生具备更高的疼痛共情能力,在观点采择、想象量表、同情关心和个人痛苦四个分量表上的得分也存在极其显著的差异。 Empathy for pain refers to the individual’s perception of pain to others, judgment and emotional reactions, which is one of the most popular perspective for the study of pain. Existing research mainly covers on the neural mechanisms of pain empathy, cognitive mechanisms, measuring in-struments and influencing factors. For undergraduate who majors in psychology, the ability of empathy for pain is one of the basic capabilities it should have. The study used “Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI)” for different professional full-time undergraduate senior students to mea- sure the empathy ability for pain. After analysising the data through SPSS, we found that students who study psychology have higher pain empathy than non-psychology students. Further study in-dicates the same extremely significant difference in four subscales named Perspcetive Taking, Fancy Scale, Sympathetic Concern and Personal Pain.
作者 王瑾一
出处 《心理学进展》 2016年第6期726-731,共6页 Advances in Psychology
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