
权力对异性恋女性客体化他人的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Power on the Sexual Objectification to Others for Heterosexual Women
摘要 本研究探讨权力(社会权力感,个人权力感)对女异性恋个体客体化他人的影响。招募60名女异性恋被试。通过呈现权力相关词汇启动被试的社会权力感,采用个人权力感问卷收集被试的个人权力感信息,并通过倒置效应范式采集被试再认性感男、女图片的正确率和反应时。实验结果显示:(1) 高个人权力感女性处于高社会权力感条件中,会性客体化女性目标,对男性目标则没有性客体化;处于低社会权力感条件中,没有性客体化出现。(2) 低个人权力感女性会性客体化女性目标,而对男性目标则没有性客体化;且该效应不受社会权力感的影响。 The current study investigated the effects of power (social power vs. personal power) on the sexual objectification to others for heterosexual women. We recruited 60 heterosexual women. Pow-er-related words were presented to participants to prime social power, and the personal power was measured via the Generalized Sense of Power Scale. We adopted the body inversion paradigm to collect accuracy rates and reaction times of participants when recognized sexualized female and male targets. The results showed that (1) women with high personal power would sexual objectify sexualized female targets when presented high social power cues;while did not do that with low social power cues;(2) women with low personal power would sexual objectify sexualized female targets, but did not for sexualized male targets, regardless of their social power.
作者 肖丽娟 郑涌
出处 《心理学进展》 2016年第11期1158-1165,共8页 Advances in Psychology
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“性客体化的认知与神经机制研究”(15YJA190011)的资助。
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