本研究是以问卷调查为基础,旨在探讨澳门特殊教育教师工作价值观和专业承诺的现状,及探讨工作价值观与专业承诺之间的关系。调查问卷针对澳门特殊教育教师,收集了90份有效的样本。通过平均值、标准差、散点图、积差相关分析等统计进行资料分析。研究结果如下:1. 澳门特殊教育教师对工作价值观保持积极态度;2. 澳门特殊教育教师对专业承诺表现出积极态度;3. 基本上,澳门特殊教育教师工作价值观与专业承诺之间存在正相关关系。最后,根据本研究结论提出相关建议,以作为澳门特殊教育教师、教育行政单位之参考。
This study was based on a questionnaire survey, aiming to explore the present situation of the work values and professional commitments among special education teachers in Macao and relationship between the work values and professional commitments. The questionnaires were targeted to special education teachers in Macao, from whom 90 valid samples were collected. The collected data were analyzed by the mean, standard deviation, scatter graphs, and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The research findings are as follows: 1. Special education teachers in Macao held positive attitude towards their work values. 2. Special education teachers in Macao showed positive attitude towards their professional commitments. 3. Basically, there was positive correlation between Macao special education teachers' work values and their professional commitments. At last, on the basis of the above findings, some suggestions were made, which act as references for Macao special education teachers, educational department.
Advances in Psychology