
大学生亲社会行为特征及其与人格特质的关系研究 被引量:2

The Relationship between College Students’ Pro-Social Behavior Characteristics and Personality Traits
摘要 随着时代科技的不断变化,对于当代大学生亲社会行为特征及其与人格特质相关性研究匮乏,本研究探究我国当代大学生亲社会行为的整体水平,分析其在各个维度上的差异,了解大学生的整体实际情况,并且对大学生人格特质进行调查,对亲社会行为与人格特质之间的相关程度进行研究。本研究以长沙市的大学生为研究对象,采用亲社会倾向问卷和大五人格简式量表进行调查,并利用SPSS19.0对数据进行分析,最后进行讨论。研究结果:(1) 大学生的亲社会行为倾向处于中等偏上水平;(2) 大学生亲社会行为与人格特质存在显著相关;(3) 从性别角度而言,男生的亲社会行为水平优于女生。(4) 在是否为独生子女方面不存在显著差异,独生子女的亲社会行为非高于独生子女;(5) 从户口类型角度而言,城市户口的学生亲社会行为水平优于农村户口的学生。(6) 从专业方面看,理科专业亲社会行为水平高于文科专业。 With the ever-changing era of technology, the study on the relationship between college students’ Pro-social Behavior Characteristics and personality traits is extremely scarce. The purpose of this study was to explore the contemporary college students’ overall level of pro-social behavior, to analyze the differences in each dimension, such as professional, household, gender, etc., and to understand the overall situation of college students, to investigate the personality traits of college students for understanding the whole situation, to conduct research related to the degree of pro- social behavior and personality traits among the aspects of research supplement. In this study, college students in Changsha are subjects for the study, using pro-social tendencies and the Big Five Personality Questionnaire Short Scale to investigate, using SPSS19.0 to analyze data, and discussing in the end. Results: (1) pro-social behavior of college students tends to be in the mid to upper level;(2) pro-social behavior and personality traits were significantly related;(3) from a gender perspective, the level of pro-social behavior is higher in boys than girls;(4) in terms of whether it is the only child, there is no significant difference in pro-social behavior, and the only child is not higher than non-child in pro-social behavior;(5) from the perspective of the account type, on the level of pro-social behavior, the city accounts for students are higher than rural residence students;(6) from a professional perspective, on the level of pro-social behavior, science majors are higher than liberal arts majors.
作者 陈茜
机构地区 湖南师范大学
出处 《心理学进展》 2017年第6期824-832,共9页 Advances in Psychology
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