通过情境问卷探查了不同学习任务下学习者元认知对大学生媒体多任务行为的影响,有效被试842名,采用2 (任务难度:简单、困难) ×2 (元认知水平:高、低)混合设计。结果:任务难度与学习者元认知对于学习相关的媒体多任务行为没有显著影响,但对与学习无关的媒体多任务行为影响显著,元认知水平高的学生面对困难任务时会更少地进行与学习无关的媒体多任务行为。结论:学习者元认知在学习任务难度影响与学习无关的媒体多任务行为中起调节作用。
This study attempts to investigate the effect of learners’ metacognition on college students’ media multitasking behavior under different learning tasks. Method: Through the way of scenario questionnaire, 842 valid participants were investigated with 2 ×2 mixed design. It takes the learning task difficulty as random-groups variable, the level of the learners’ metacognition as within- groups variable, doing mixed analysis of variance. Results: Learning that task difficulty and learners’ metacognitive have no significant effect on learning related media multitasking behaviors, but they have significant effect on non-learning related multitasking behaviors;the learners with higher metacognition level tend to perform less non-learning related media multitasking behaviors in the face of difficult learning task. Conclusion: Learners’ metacognition plays a moderator role in the learning task difficulty and non-learning related media multitasking behavior.
Advances in Psychology