
躯体症状障碍患者认知情绪调节与临床症状的相关性研究 被引量:1

The Relevant Research between Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Clinical Symptoms about the Patients with Physical Symptoms Related Disorders
摘要 目的:研究躯体症状障碍患者认知情绪调节与抑郁、焦虑、躯体化症状的关系。方法:应用认知情绪调节问卷(CERQ-C)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、症状自评量表(SCL-90)对160例躯体症状障碍患者进行测评,运用Pearson相关分析、多元线性回归分析,分析躯体症状障碍患者认知情绪调节与抑郁、焦虑、躯体化症状的相关性。结果:积极认知情绪调节平均(54.24 ± 9.91分),消极认知情绪调节平均(45.31 ± 6.93分),抑郁得分平均(44.32 ± 9.31分),焦虑得分平均(38.43 ± 6.82分)。接受、积极重新评价、理性分析、灾难化、责难他人的调节策略在不同抑郁状态躯体症状障碍患者中的应用情况具有明显的差异(p < 0.01),接受、积极重新评价、理性分析、灾难化、责难他人的调节策略在不同焦虑状态躯体症状障碍患者中的应用情况具有明显的差异(p < 0.01),线性回归分析表明认知情绪调节各分量表分别可以解释抑郁总变异量的69.2%、焦虑总变异量的54.4%、躯体化症状总变异量的43.4%。自我责难、积极重新关注、积极重新评价、理性分析、灾难化是能够预测抑郁的主要变量;自我责难、接受、沉思、积极重新关注、积极关注计划、积极重新评价、理性分析、灾难化是能够预测焦虑的主要变量。结论:躯体症状障碍患者情绪调节与抑郁、焦虑、躯体化症状有密切联系,其中自我责难、积极重新评价、灾难化为抑郁、焦虑、躯体化症状共有的主要预测指标。本研究为进一步探讨躯体症状障碍患者的抑郁、焦虑、躯体化症状的形成提供了一定的依据。 Objective: To research the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and depression, anxiety and somatization symptom about the patients with somatic disorders. Methods: Applied cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire, self-rating depression Scale, self-rating anxiety scale and self-reporting inventory have an evaluation to 160 cases of patients with somatic disorders, using Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis to analyze the relationship between cognitive emotion regulation and depression, anxiety and somatic symptoms in patients with physical disorders. Results: Positive cognitive emotion regulation is average (54.24 + 9.91 points);negative cognitive emotion regulation is average (45.31 + 6.93 points);depression score is average (44.32 + 9.31 points). Anxiety score is average (38.43 + 6.82). Acceptance, positive re evaluation, rational analysis, disaster and blame others for the adjustment strategy in the application of different forms of depression in patients with somatic disorders have obvious differences. Self-blame, Acceptance, contemplation, re-attention, re-focus on planning, positive re-evaluation, rational analysis, disaster and blame others for the adjustment strategy in the application of different forms of Anxiety in patients with somatic disorders have obvious differences. Linear regression analysis showed that each component table of Cognitive emotion regulation can explain 69.2% of Total variance of depression, 54.4% of Total variance of anxiety, 5.5% of Total variation of somatic symptoms. Self blame, positive re-attention, positive re-evaluation, rational analysis and disaster are able to predict the main variables of depression. Self blame, acceptance, contemplation, positive re-attention, re- focus on planning, positive re-evaluation, rational analysis, disaster are able to predict the main va-riables of anxiety. Conclusion: There was a close relationship between Emotion regulation in pa-tients with somatic disorders and depression, anxiety and Somatic symptoms. Self blame, positive re-evaluation and disaster were respectively the main predictors of depression, anxiety and somatic symptoms. This research is for further discussions about the formation of depression, anxiety and somatic symptoms in patients with somatic disorders to provide a certain basis.
出处 《心理学进展》 2017年第7期931-938,共8页 Advances in Psychology
基金 宁夏区科技支撑计划项目。
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