基于267位中国大城市成年居民的总体幸福感数据分析,结果发现:1) 不同出生顺序的女性的总体幸福感以及精力、心情忧郁或愉快、松弛或紧张因子分数存在显著差异;2) 不同出生顺序男性的总体幸福感分数不存在显著差异;3) 女性独生子女的幸福感低于长子和次子,末子幸福感略高于独生子女,低于长子和次子。总体幸福感的“出生顺序效应”或与家庭结构、家庭角色、家庭互动及父母教养方式的差异有关。
Based on a survey data collected from 267 adult residents in big cities of China, we found that birth order effect exists in female participants on general well-being score and on scores of energy level, cheerful-distracted level and relaxed tense level, while no birth order effect has been seen among male participants. Specifically, among female participants, only child participants’ general well-being is lower than first-born and middle-born participants, while last-born participants’ general well-being is a little bit higher than only child but lower than first-born and middle-born participants. The birth order effect on general well-being may be related to differences in family structure, the role different birth order children play in the family, family reaction mode and parenting.
Advances in Psychology