

Parent-Child Shared-Book Reading: An Important Approach to Promote Children’s Theory of Mind
摘要 有关儿童心理理论发展及影响因素的研究是近年来儿童社会性发展研究的热门话题。本文结合心理理论训练,对亲子共读进入了深入的分析。教师和家长可以借助亲子共读活动,首先挑选包含心理理论的绘本,问儿童故事主角想法感受的问题,给幼儿提供一个心理理论的概念框架,通过角色扮演等方法促进儿童心理理论的发展。 Recently, the development of theory of mind and the factors influenced it have become a hot topic in children’s social development. This research, which started with parent-child shared-booking, made a detailed analysis of children’s theory of mind in this game. Teachers and parents could utilize parent-child shared-booking to promote children’s development in theory of mind by choosing books that contain theory of mind, asking question about protagonist’s feeling and thought, provide a conceptual framework of cognitive states, role playing, etc.
作者 杨蕊萍
出处 《心理学进展》 2018年第2期267-271,共5页 Advances in Psychology
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