Mental health is a common topic in the field of mental health education, but different fields have put forward different views with unique features on the definition of mental health. In order to explore widely used definitions of mental health, and review relative fruits in this field, the author referred to the Medalink, CNKI, and many literatures, using econometric analysis in superstar found system. From the historical development trend, we find, in metrological analysis, that among the types of literature related to the definition of mental health, the number of periodicals is more than that of newspapers, papers and books. In the treatises involving the definition of mental health, the literature from culture, science, education and sports accounts for 49% of the total literature, and the literature of philosophy and religion accounts for 28.7% of the total literature. The literature from the medicine and health category accounted for 13.8%, the literature from the political and legal circles accounted for 2.34%, the literature from the general theory of social science accounted for 1.51%, the related literature in the military and economic fields accounted for 0.85%, literature accounted for 0.59%, and the proportion of any single category in other disciplines was less than 0.5%. Beijing Normal University, Anhui Normal University and Central China Normal University have the largest number of theoretical achievements in exploring mental health standards. The results of nearly 1/3 have been funded by the National Social Science Fund Project;the results of over 1/4 belong to the key projects supported by the Ministry of education fund, and the results of about 1/4 have been funded by the provincial and municipal fund projects. The analysis of the contents of the literature shows that the understanding and definition of mental health in domestic different fields has expe-rienced the stage of “adaptation”, “challenging and opposing adaptation”, “survival or development”, as well as the stage of “integration and essential exploration”. The pluralism of different fields and the vague “mental health” itself has contributed to the pluralism and controversy of the mental health definitions. Do not blindly follow the West, focusing on the local status and the traditional culture exploring may provide a reference for the answers to many problems.
Advances in Psychology